23 November 2019 - Popular

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Kvantová záhada

Martin Plávala z Matematického ústavu SAV v Magazíne o vede a technike Quark porozprával o pálčivej otázke v kvantovej teórii; o tom, že kvantová teória je vlastne záhada.

Článok je dostupný tu: https://www.quark.sk/kvantova-zahada/.

30 September 2019 - School

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Quapital summer school 2019

Summer school for students from the QUAPITAL consortium, but open for all participants, is scheduled for 30/09/2019 - 06/09/2019 and organized at the Research Center for Quantum Information in Bratislava. More details and registration form are available on the school website https://quapital.eu/index.php?id=105.

03 September 2019 - People

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Slovak Academy Award for Mark Hillery

Mark is our long-term collaborator and we are very happy he was awarded this prestigous prize. Congratulations! Mark has started to work in early 90s with Vladimír Bužek on quantum optics exactly when ideas around quantum information has emerged. Together they have published approx 50 research papers. The papers on approximate quantum cloning and quantum secret sharing cryptographic protocol have significantly impacted the field and belong to most cited physics research papers in Slovakia. Read more (in Slovak):

03 June 2019 - Workshop

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CEQIP 2019

We are happy to announce that RCQI (FU SAV, Bratislava) is organizing 16th edition of traditional CEQIP workshops. This year it will be held in “kings’ town” Skalica (Slovakia, 60km north of Bratislava). Deadline for absract submission is 15/03/2018 and the submission/registration will be open at the beginning of February. Looking forward to meet you there!

CEQIP website: http://ceqip.eu/2019/

30 April 2019 - People

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Prof. Vladimír Bužek - member of Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board

The Strategic Advisory Board provides advice for strategic decision-making to the Quantum Technology (QT) the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship, with a long-term impact across the whole initiative. The group will be in charge of preparing and updating the Strategic Research Agenda whilst monitoring the Flagship’s progress in research, and will report regularly to the FET Board of Funders. SAB members are appointed for a two-year period, each of whom will meet two to four times per year and act upon request of the Chairperson.

31 January 2019 - Docs

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Akčný plán QUTE.sk

Platforma získala od Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu dotáciu v celkovej sume 100 tisíc € v období 10/2017-12/2018 na vytvorenie platformy a prípravné aktivity pre zapojenie slovenských výskumníkov do európskej iniciatívy Quantum Flagship. Akčný plán platformy bol odovzdaný ministerstvu …

30 January 2019 - Populárne

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Čo nedokážu ani počítače budúcnosti?

Náš kolega Daniel Nagaj bude na SAVinci prednášať populárno-vedeckú prednášku o kvantových počítačoch. Je to súčasť série vedeckých “kávových stretnutí” organizovaných Slovenskou Akadémiou vied. … tu si môžete prečítať viac …

Kde?: Westend Gate Lobby, Dúbravská cesta, Bratislava - Patrónka
Kedy: Streda 30.01.2019 o 17:30

15 January 2019 - Ľudia

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Kvantová komunitná sieť / Quantum Community Network (QCN)

Kvantová Komunitná Sieť (QCN) reprezentuje “kvantovo-technologické” komunity štátov EÚ a asociovaných štátov v Quantum Flagship. Skladá sa z 1 člena a 1 zástupcu za každý členský a asociovaný štát. QCN členský mandát trvá 4 roky. Všetci členovia sú experti vysokého profilu s rozsiahlou sieťou v národnej kvantovej komunite. Hlavným cieľom je koordinácia Quantum Flagship s národnými programami. Je potrebné identifikovať, angažovať a zapojiť relevantných národných “stakeholderov” a mať jasne stanovené osoby pre všetky otázky spojené s Quantum Flagship. Slovensko je reprezentované v QCN Máriom Zimanom a Prof. Miroslavom Grajcarom.

01 January 2019 - Project

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European Microkelvin Platform (EMP)

Approved H2020 RIA project (Call H2020-INFRAIA-2018-1, RIA, 2019-2020) for (CLPT) Center of Low Temperature Physics (joint research center of Institue of Experimental Physics of SAS and Faculty of Natural Sciences of Šafárik University, Košice). EMP is a consortium of 17 partners (8 key partners) which have an extensive portfolio of capacities and expertise in ultralow temperature physics. EMP will receive 9.98 M€ (1.1 M€ allocated for CLTP) in the next four years from the European Commisson for supporting user access to its facilities as well as operating and updating the infrastructure. The research activities are dedicated diretly to quantum technologies.

Annotation: The European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) provides access to the ultralow temperature frontier approaching absolute zero. The Platform is continuously evolving by extending its reach, building on the integration achieved through previous infrastructure calls. Europe already has a significant research lead in the microkelvin regime and we will reinforce this by encouraging the further exploitation, in both the shorter and longer term, of ultralow temperatures for the development of new concepts, new applications and new devices, especially in the fields of nanoscience, materials research and quantum technology in all its forms. The EMP is a consortium of 17 partners which provide an extensive portfolio of capacities and expertise in ultralow temperature physics. Since this is a fast evolving and expanding frontier field, we also lay considerable weight on improving and upgrading our infrastructure, since the lowest accessible temperatures are continuously falling. These advances allow us, and our users from across Europe, to study new phenomena, thereby generating new knowledge, applications and commercial opportunities. We have a particular interest in the benefits of ultralow temperature physics for driving forward the inter-related areas of quantum materials, nanoscience, and quantum technology. The activities of the EMP hold enormous potential for innovation. A more extensive description of the Platform and its philosophy can be found in Nature Reviews Materials, The European Microkelvin Platform, Nat. Rev. Mater. 3, 18012 (2018).

Project Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022
Project website: http://emplatform.eu/
Project coordinator: Prof. Christian Enss (University of Heidelberg)

01 January 2019 - Dokumenty

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Budúcnosť je kvantová

(Vyhlásenie Slovenskej národnej výskumnej platformy kvantových technológií qute.sk)
… môžete si prečítať … [Slovak]