QUTE.sk - Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Contact information

Secretariat QUTE.SK:
RNDr. Pavol Surovec
QUTE.sk - Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava
+421 904 507 697

Fakturačné údaje

Národné centrum pre kvantové technológie
Sídlo: Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava
IČO: 54255422
DIČ: 2121647792
IBAN: SK91 0200 0000 0045 3324 6458

Getting to QUTE pavilon

Getting to Bratislava
Bratislava Airport - 10 km from Bratislava City Centre
Vienna Airport - 50 km from Bratislava City Centre
Main Railway Station
Find connection
Bus Station Mlynské Nivy
Find connection
Moving around

Bus: Vienna Airport → Central Bus Station Nivy
Bus 61: Bratislava Airport → Main Railway Station (last stop)

Autobusová stanica (Mlynské Nivy) → Patrónka (4th stop)
Pod stanicou" (close to Main R. St.) → Patrónka (1st stop)
Coming by car

from Wien: follow the direction Brno/Prague → Exit Karlova Ves/Patronka
from Brno/Prague: Exit Centrum
from Trnava: follow the direction Brno/Prague → Exit Karlova Ves/Patronka

Public transport in Bratislava
Tickets must be validated immediately after entering the bus. Time tickets for 30, or 60 minutes are available. Learn more at English version of https://imhd.sk/ba/public-transport.

There is also an IDB SK app for tickets where tickets must be purchased 30 seconds before entering the bus.